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How much more suffering has to happen before this Government listen?

Preventable death and avoidable harm has now been reported in five separate maternity service investigations (2015-2022) and there are more to come. These extreme examples share the same themes we hear in birth trauma stories every day. For parents - the need for more kindness and attentive care. For professionals - the need for more staff and for staff wellness to be taken seriously. Of course there are many many more themes too. 

In response to Donna Ockenden’s Review in March 2022 the Government committed a “funding boost” of £127 million to ensure safer care. This is an appalling token. Previous expert recommendations have consistently said this needs to be a per year increase of £200-£350 million.  £127 million is only one third of the £350 million needed and it's not even a per year promise.

Safety is everything when it comes to birth trauma. 8 out of 10 midwives report that they do not have enough staff on their shift to provide a safe service (see here). Of the 193 NHS maternity services in England, 80 are rated as “inadequate” or “requires improvement”. Only two are rated “outstanding” (see here).

This is the tragic truth: despite the hard work of parents and healthcare professionals in the UK, birth trauma is becoming less preventable. These are words we don’t want to speak out loud but they are true. We cannot wait any more. We have to take action. In the words of Donna Ockenden “There are no more excuses.”

Sign our petition if you join our demand that our Secretary of State for Health and Social Care must commit to the full £350 million funding urgently needed for improved maternity and neonatal services.

We need you! Please share.

To make the biggest impact, we really need you to share this campaign and urge others to sign the petition too. Ask your Whatsapp groups to sign it, put it on your social media, email your friends and colleagues.

Here’s what you need:

Use this graphic here.

Copy and paste this link into your emails, text messages or add it to your Instagram stories. Add this simple wording: We can’t just wait for maternity services to be fixed whilst this Government decides how to do their job. Preventable death and avoidable harm has now been reported in five separate maternity service investigations (2015-2022) and there are more to come. The Government has committed a “funding boost” of £127 million to ensure safer care. This is an appalling token. Previous expert recommendations have consistently said this needs to be a PER YEAR increase of £200-£350 million. Join our demand that our Government focus on the issues which matter most and commit to the funding urgently needed for improved maternity and neonatal services.

Please share with everyone you know who cares about this. Sharing with others will make this petition reach the numbers it needs. THANK YOU :)

March With Midwives collaboration

In November 2022 we joined forces with our brilliant friends @marchwithmidwives who organised a staggering 28 marches across the country. From Torquay to Durham and the Isle of Man to Norfolk, we made sure our voices were heard.

Just like us, March with Midwives are calling for change in Maternity Services and more funding. We are standing united in our demand for better working conditions and for better birthing conditions too.

In our hearts and minds

We are holding in our hearts and minds all the individuals, couples and families who shared their stories of pain and suffering with Donna Ockenden and Bill Kirkup. Your courage will be a driver for lasting change.

We acknowledge that this campaign only responds to one of the many important recommendations in the reports published about improvements to maternity services. We're taking action on maternity services funding as this is in our immediate sphere of influence right now.



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