Week of Collective Care


We will be holding this across 15th - 19th July 2024. All classes will take place on Zoom.


Act Build Change describe Collective Care as “communal responsibility for people’s emotional health and wellbeing within groups or organisations”.

Here at Make Birth Better we love this idea as it moves the idea of wellbeing away from being the responsibility of the individual and brings the community together, to get us to start looking at how we can work as a group to support each other.

From Monday 15th July we’ll be hosting our 2nd annual Collective Care Week with nourishing sessions and restorative practices promoting a sense of wellbeing for you and your community.


Timetable for the week

Monday 15th July, 12.30pm BST

Mindfulness for burnout with Alexa Mellor

Alexa is a doula and passionate about supporting people to rest, restore and nurture themselves deeply in the perinatal period and beyond. 

In this practice you’ll be lead through a deeply restorative meditation to anchor a sense of peace, presence and safety in your body, a space you can always return to in challenging times.

Tuesday 16th July, 12.30pm BST

Sound healing with Poppy Roy

Poppy will play the quartz crystal singing bowls throughout this session to encourage mindful harmony of body and mind.

Sound healing is a great way to calm the mind and body. The many benefits include reducing stress and cortisol, supporting the nervous system and promoting a healing state within the body. Leave this session feeling relaxed and rested.

Wednesday 17th July, 12.30pm BST

Emotional Freedom Technique with Jade Beatty

Jade is an EFT tapping therapist, doula & founder of Matriarch Mcr CIC.

Jade will be sharing a powerful EFT tapping practice to clear feelings of overwhelm and stimulate the bodies natural healing response, with a soothing breath meditation to finish. This class is an opportunity to tune into the meridian system within the body and clear emotional blocks, making space for joy and ease.

Thursday 18th July, 12.30pm BST

Yoga with Sinnead Ali @sinnead.wombyoga

Sinnead is an experienced women’s well-being practitioner skilled at facilitating a sense of connection, calm and healing.

Join Sinnead for a gentle yoga class is perfect for beginners and anyone seeking rest. This calming practice is designed to help you unwind and reset your day. This class is a wonderful opportunity to relax, release tension, and reconnect with your body. Treat yourself to this soothing, restorative lunchtime experience.

Friday 19th July, 12.30pm BST

A reflective practice with Illiyin Morrison @mixing.up.motherhood.

Illy is a midwife, author of The Birth Debrief and creator of spaces to identify and validate your feelings around your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences.

Join Illiyin and understand the importance of quietening noise to access and understand one’s own beliefs and thought processes.

All classes will be held over zoom and recordings will be accessible until September 1st 2024.


How much does it cost?

The Collective Care week costs a suggested donation of £10. We recognise that financial circumstances should never be a barrier to accessing vital resources and services, and we are offering fully funded spots too. We are also offering supported spaces where you are able to pay forward a spot for someone else if you are in a position to do so.

By embracing this approach, we want to foster a sense of community, solidarity, and compassion. Through Collective Care Week, we are hoping to open doors to transformational support and healing in places where it may struggle to be found. Please pay what feels comfortable for you, even if that is nothing right now.

If you have donated on behalf of others, or want to use a different email address, please forward names and email addresses over to hello@makebirthbetter.org, and Lauren will ensure that access details will be sent out.


Who is this for?

This collective care week will be looking ways we can support ourselves and our community. Whether you are a new parent, busy professional, or just someone looking to bring some moments of peace into their week, please join us.